I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way I do about this time of year. No more cold weather jackets and pants. No stupid hats or gloves. We can wear t-shirts and shorts showing off our tough ankle tattoos. And even more important bands tour during the summer. A lot. The average moderately known touring hardcore band might play 100 shows in 120 days or more depending on how much DIY they have in their veins. Just think of how many stage dives, circle pits, high fives, head walks and finger pointing sing-a-alongs just one band incites over the course of a tour cycle. Then just imagine how a fucking sick, original sounding band like Righteous Jams would turn it up. Hardcore in itself is no frills, so the little bits bands add make it refreshing every time they play. And these dudes play energetic simple hardcore with a rock and roll feel. A lot like Black Flag, but less Sabbath more punk and some truly sick bass riffs. Which is something hardcore is bereft of sometimes. They're also from Boston so the lyrics have those awesome hardcore colloquialisms I love. And the lyrics themselves are straight forward and honest, not full of confusing analogies that can be used for multiple meanings. I can say that I read the lyrics of every band I listen to, and sometimes I don't care what a band is saying but there's something about these lyrics I just really love. I think it's because Joey C writes lyrics just like I would.
Even though Righteous Jams hasn't really done anything since "Business As Usual" in 07/08 which really bums me out. They've always been one of my favourite hardcore bands and I would love to hear all kinds of new output. But I'm posting the first LP they did called "Rage of Discipline" on Lookin Out from 2004.
Here is the full track listing, but I left off a couple of songs in the download because I didn't like them. What now?
1.Rage of Discipline
2.Iron Mind
3.Green Eyes
4.Bust It
5.No Glory
6.Small Fish
8.Scream and Shout
9.Where It's Due
10.Righteous Jams
"I don't wanna listen to you scream and shout,
I don't give a shit what you've been talking about,
all your little mind games are bummin me out!"
Consider this one of (more than one) posts about summer hardcore happy fun time.
2 hours ago